


秦秀白、蔣靜儀 編 / 上海外語教育出版社

Redamancy? 上傳



1)reflections  2hastened  3solitary  4mystery  5fancy  6expenses  7slender

8)purchase  9admission  10subtle  11betrayed  12significance  13possession

14)procession  15hints  16conceal



1)put off  2was down to her last  3at length  4all the way  5counted for

6)under his breath  7ran riot  8spent itself  9beat back  10drinking in

11)out of work  12on a full scholarship  13There is no way



(1)disaster  2assured  3hastened  4gently  5afflicted  6tender

(7)paralyzed  8abandonment  9subtle  10possess  11preception

(12)procession  13impose  14travel-stained



Fearing that she couldn’t stand the blow, the police broke to the old woman as gently as possible the news of her son’s death in the air crash.


Investigations revealed that the road accident was caused solely by the driver who drove against traffic regulations.


He is as mean as Shylock. When it comes to money,all the promises he’s made to his friends count for nothing.


Since last year , the company has been unable to sell its products , but it was the recent unsuccessful foreign trade deal that has tened its bankruptcy.


He booked his ticket half a month in advance to assure himself of going back home on time to spend the Spring Festival with his family.


At first , she had some worries about telling the truth. However, at length, she spoke out the secret that she had kept in her heart for several years.


Hellen tried to control her mood , but her trembling hands betrayed her nervousness.


Annie was awarded a scholarship at school . When she told her parents the good news , she could not conceal her eagerness for praise from them though she claimed that it was nothing special at all.


The leader of the rescue team told me under his breath that he had little hope of finding more survivors from the mine accident.


In the early days of World War II , the German submarines ran riot in the Atlantic Ocean . However , when radar was invented in Britain , the Germans began to suffer heavy losses
