

新視野大學(xué)英語3(第三版) 讀寫教程

鄭秋棠 / 外語教學(xué)與研究出版社

冬陽 上傳


Unit 2 beat your fear

Section A

Pre-reading activities

11T 2F 3T 4F SF

21 Jack's problem is solved by a carpenter. He told Jack to cut the legs off the bed. And then Jack as certain that nobody was sleeping under it when he got into bed.

2 The answer is open-ended. For example, you might have the fear of darkness, the fear of heights, the fear of snakes or spiders, the fear of flying, etc. Some suggestions on how to overcome fears are listed below for reference. First, you analyzed your fear and had a clear picture of what your fear was. Then you took control of your fear. You decided to expose yourself to that fear in small doses until you gained a better understanding of it. As a result, your fear began to disappear. Finally, you successfully changed the way you thought about your fear. You started seeing fear as a source of energy and embraced its role in your life.


????Jack went to a doctor. "Doctor," he said, "I've got trouble. Every time I lie in bed, I think there's somebody under it. I get under the bed; then I think there's somebody on top of it. Top, under, top, under. You've got to help me! It almost drives me mad!"

"Just put yourself in my hands for two years," said the doctor. "Come to me three times a week, and I'll cure your fears."

"How much do you charge?"

"A hundred dollars a visit."

"I'll think about it," said Jack.

??Six months later the doctor met Jack by chance

"Why didn't you ever come to see me again?" asked the doctor.

"For a hundred bucks a visit? A carpenter cured me for 10 dollars."

??"Is that so? How?"

"He told me to cut the legs off the bed!"

Reading comprehension

Understanding the text


1 Because when he once hopped from the highest diving board at the pool, he hit the water with an incredible impact and blacked out.

2 No, they couldn't. Because with the water's tow, they'd never get to the drowning boy.

3 Because nobody except Jason saw that going out onto the jetty, which was close to the boy, was the fastest way to reach the drowning boy.

4 Because his fear of water suddenly struck him.

5 He felt like he was back in that pool, breathless, struggling, terrified.

6 The boy popped back up, eyes wide with terror, pawing and twisting against Jason.

7 No, it wasn't. At first when Jason swam against the rip current, it was forcibly dragging them out to the sea. Then he decided to swim sideways to the pull of the current and slowly made their way back to shore. Finally he made his way back to safety.

8 Because Jason had already conquered his inner fear of water and he also felt relieved and delighted when he saw the boy was hugged tightly by his mother.

Critical thinking


1 To overcome the inner fear of water, we need to:

??conquer ourselves with courage by helping others, step up and face our fear;

??practice controlled breathing and alternately tense and relax muscle groups to bring into physical awareness the differences between being tense and being relaxed;

??make the victim stop struggling. In this way he / she can be pulled to safety.

2 The fears may come from:

??our own past experience;

??other people's fears we witness;

??someone's description about their fears;

??influence of specific cultural and historical context.

3 To get a guy to ask a girl out, try giving him some pointers and ideas on how to approach the situation with confidence:

??Tell the guy to ask a girl on a casual date and see where it goes from there. Explain to him that asking a girl out face-to-face can be most appropriate, as it will show her how serious be is. However, if he thinks that is too daring, then suggest sending her a text message or calling her on the phone.

??Encourage the guy to be assertive and not beat around the bush. Confidence is admirable, and a girl is more likely to be attracted to a man with confidence. If he is asking the girl in person, he should speak as though he knew she would say yes. Tell him not to hesitate and to get straight to the point.

??Suggest that the guy give the girl some choices as to where to go on a date. If he is unsure of what activities or restaurants she enjoys most, this is a great opportunity for him to learn more about her and show her that be cares about her.

4 Obsessive fear leads to anxiety, panic attacks and a variety of psychological problems. We all know what it's like to feel overwhelmed by fear, but fear, as it turns out, is a fundamental part of our lives, and has some positive effects on our lives:

??Fear increases and enhances our sensory awareness of the environment, so that we can be prepared to protect ourselves from anything potentially threatening or harmful.

??Fear is an invitation to act. Fear is there to warn us that we need to get ready for the future. It isn't there to stop us; it's there to tell us that we are about to grow.

??Fear pushes us beyond our limits. Fear motivates us. It drives us to find new resources and options within ourselves. Fear compels us to make extra efforts to succeed and achieve what we desire.

??Fear is necessary in developing our courage. We can't experience courage without the presence of fear. They go hand in hand. They need one another in order to exist---like darkness and light, or black and white.

Language focus

Words in use


I intervene 2 underestimate 3 recede 4 deem 5 bleak

6 appraise 7 paralyzed 8 symptoms 9 dismay 10 brink

Word building


Wordy learned ??New words formed


dominate ??????dominance

avoid ?????????avoidance

rely ??????????reliance

acquaint ???????acquaintance

clear ??????????clearance

annoy ?????????annoyance

admit ?????????admittance

resemble ???????resemblance

assure ????????assrsrance


bore ??????????bored

privilege ??????privileged

distract ??????distracted


1 bored ?2 privileged ?3 assurance ?4 dominance ?5 avoidance

6 acquaintance 7 reliance 8 clearance 9 distracted 10 annoyance

11 admittance ?12 resemblance

Banked cloze


1 K ?2 D ?3 H ?4 J ?5 I ?6 O ?7 G ?8 A ?9 N ?10 C

Expressions in use


I pulled to a stop 2 black out 3 pop up 4 stopped short

5 plowed through 6 threw himself into 7 let yourself go 8 grabbed for





Realizing the great national rejuvenation, which we define as the Chinese Dream, has been the greatest Chinese expectation since modem times. It basically means achieving prosperity for the country, renewal of the nation and happiness for the people, thus ensuring that every enterprising Chinese carries, generation after generation, the firm conviction that a better life is accomplished through persistent effort. People should achieve their prosperity through diligence, courage, creativity and determination instead of aid from society or other people. Each individual is a participant and a designer in the cause of realizing the Chinese Dream, for it is a dream not only for the entire nation but also for every Chinese.


Section B

Reading skills

1 "Knowing grins" implies that they regarded bumping as a common occurrence in flight.

2 Based on our prior knowledge about what happens, if there is something wrong with the nose-wheel steering and the whole landing gear system, we can infer that the passengers and the crew were all in danger, and it was highly possible that the plane would crash.

3 This sentence shows that the mother's gaze at the child displayed a deep care and which calmed down the child in order to keep her from being influenced by the outside dangers, implying that the mother's love was so great that it could help the little child all the outside fears

4 This paragraph tells a simple truth that their survival from the possible air crash was a miracle, and a lot of luck.

Reading comprehension

Understanding the text


1 A ?2 D ?3C ?4B ?5 D ?6C ?7D ?8A

Critical thinking


??1·Love generates strength and confidence which help to overcome our inner fear.

??????Love is able to bring into full play the most courageous acts in the world, and love can conquer our inner fear.

??????Becoming a more loving person toward others will help you to transcend your fear. Becoming more loving toward yourself will help you to heal your fear.

2 Apart from love, I believe, there are many other factors that can help us cope with challenges in life. Some of them are listed as follows:

??Confidence may strengthen our determination to handle any difficulties we are confronted with.

??A sense of purpose in our life is critical when we feel lost under the great pressure of troubles.

??A strong social network is also useful. Maybe our problems could be easily solved by the joint efforts from our social network composed of relatives, friends, colleagues, etc

??Optimism can always make us filled with hope, helping us muster courage when we are tortured by frustrations.

??Necessary problem-solving skills and strategies are most crucial to our performance when we are facing challenges.

3 Tips to keep fear away during exams:

??Prepare well in advance and do not mug up(突擊學(xué)習(xí)).

??Make time to relax.

??Revise properly. In order to prevent anxiety, the last few weeks before the examination should be spent revising each subject.

??Be flexible during the exam. During the exam, if you get tensed or blank after seeing difficult questions, skip them for the time being and attempt questions which you find easier. Once you have completed them, go back to the difficult ones. In this way, you will be able to answer them confidently.

4 The following are something that can be done to help overcome fear:

??It can be important to visit with a qualified therapist who can help the survivor identify the root causes of the fear and address those underlying reasons for the fear response. ?????

??Support groups can be helpful as can a trusted friend who extends compassion in the face of the survivor's fear. This type of response can go a long way in helping victims work through their fear.

Language focus

Words in use


1 vertical 2 evaporate 3 plight 4 intent 5 abort

6 vulnerable 7 proximity 8 evoke 9 lofty 10 necessitate

Expressions in use


1 in the event of 2 immune to 3 settled back 4 on board

5 in / into position 6 was; stunned by 7 for sure 8 hint of

Sentence structure


1 Nothing excites me as much as a brilliant movie with an interesting plot, fantastic acting, wild visuals and a strong script.

2 Over the course of her entire life, she'd longed for nothing as much as knowledge about her mother.

3 Her daughter is at a state hospital and wants nothing as much as to be part of a family.


1 In teaching practice, it is essential that we (should) teach students proper grammar, sentence structures, and writing skills.

2 It is important that students (should) be given opportunities to express their perspectives to cultivate their responsibility and independence.

3 It is crucial that the younger generation (should) pursue an active and positive role in promoting environmental protection.

Collocation ??Warm-up

1 massive 2 incredible 3 terrible 4 relaxed 5 absolutely 6 unremarkable


1 emotionally impossible 2 amazing power 3 visibly frightened 4 incredible impact 5 impromptu rescues 6 instantaneously hysterical 7 calm confidence 8 true courage9 massive waves 10 would-be rescuer 11 vicious waves 12 rough water
