


鄭樹棠 編 / 外語教學(xué)與研究出版社

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Unit 7 Text B


Reading skills: 1

1.C? 2.B? 3.B? 4.A

Understanding the text 2

1.D? 2.C? 3.A? 4.C? 5.D? 6.A?? 7.B??? 8.C


Critical thinking 3

1.????? *Similarities: family-oriented, busy with house chores, cook meals, take care of children, clean rooms, do laundry

2.????? *Help and support the husband

*education and behave children morally

*Maintain the order of home.

*Keep the family healthy

3.? *the husband: The man is supposed to have more responsibilities for his family since he physically stronger than his wife.

*The wife: the woman, to some degree, is more persevered in overcoming difficulties and she is always family-oriented.

*Both: Even though they share different family responsibilities, they both play important and indispensable poles as parents, husband or wife. Two incomes are always better than just one.

4.? *Advantages: able to take good care of family, including their diet and health; more communication with family; help children with their schoolwork.

*Disadvantages: a lot of stress, exhausted, less aware of the outside world, lose social contact.

5.? *Work outside: have many contacts, communication with more people, be informed of the outside world, be of more help financially.

*Stay home: take better care of family, pay more attention to children, provide healthier food to family, keep the rooms clean, help the husband / wife.


Words in use 4

1.????? bounce? 2.tolerant? 3.supplement? 4.condemn? 5.overflowed

6.? swear?? 7.resemble? 8.compounded? 9.disgusting? 10.trim


Expressions in use 5

1.????? convert to? 2. was revolted by? 3.? was comprised of? 4. busied himself with

5.????? fussed over?? 6. is unique in?? 7. exerting themselves? 8. substituted for


Sentence structure 6

1.????? Having no idea about their thoughts and opinion, I would rather five up the attempt to guess what their reaction will be.

2.????? To avoid making mistakes, I would rather be home alone and not communicate with anybody.

3.????? The old man would rather be living in the past, for things are much more different today than they were in the past.


Sentence structure 7

1.????? I couldn’t stand bad manners and thought my leaving was anything but rude, so I got the nest train back home and left him there.

2.????? They usually look very nice and even generous, but in terms of integrity, they are anything but honest.

3.????? When the two young people got married, may people attended the wedding ceremony, yet it was anything but modern.



1. strong urge?? 2. Particularly difficult? 3. Demanding job

4. make concessions?? 5. Social context? 6. Management style



1.????? plausible? 2. context? 3.management? 4.pleasantly? 5. great? 6. Strong

7 subtle?? 8 conflicting? 9 personal?? 10 typically?? 11 diplomatically? 12 vaguely



英翻中 The color and style of a wedding gown can depend on the religion and culture of the wedding participants. For example, in Western cultures brides often choose a white wedding dress, while in China the traditional wedding dress is in red. Though white has become the most preferred color for wedding gowns across the world today, this was not a widespread trend before the Victorian era. White became a popular option in 1840, when Queen Victoria wore a white gown at her wedding. The official wedding photograph was widely published, and many brides chose white to become the followers of the Queen. Many people believed that the color white symbolized virginity, though this was not the original intention. As far as the style is concerned, wedding dresses were once typically short in the front with a longer train in the back. This tendency continued until the late 1960s, when it became popular to revert to long, full-skirted designs.



中國是絲綢的故鄉(xiāng),因而有很多與絲綢相關(guān)的藝術(shù),刺繡(embroidery)就是其中的一種。刺繡是中國民間傳統(tǒng)手工藝之一,至少有兩、三千年的歷史。從事刺繡的多為女子,因此刺繡又被稱為"女紅"(women's needlework)。刺繡在中國受到了人們廣泛的喜愛。刺繡可用來裝飾衣物,如在衣服、被子、枕套(pillowcase)等物品上繡上美麗的圖案,也可制作成特別的飾品(ornament)。中國有四大名繡: 蘇州的蘇繡、廣東的粵繡、湖南的湘繡以及四川的蜀繡。各種繡法不僅風(fēng)格有差異,主題也各有不同。在這其中,蘇州的蘇繡最負(fù)盛名。

China is home to silk, thereby having a variety of arts related to silk, one of which is embroidery. Embroidery, with at least two or three thousand years of history, is one of the Chinese traditional folk arts and crafts. Since most embroiderers are women, it's also called "women's needlework". Embroidery has been much-loved by the Chinese people. It can be used to beautify clothing and things. For example, clothes, quilts, pillowcases etc. can be embroidered with beautiful designs, or a piece of embroidery can be made for a special ornament. There are four most famous types of embroidery in China: Suxiu from Suzhou, Yuexiu from Guangdong, Xiangxiu from Hunan, and Shuxiu from Sichuan, each having its own style and theme. Among the four, Suzhou embroidery has enjoyed the highest reputation.
