????T2 ?reading modern world opportunities influenced better
? ? T3 education/ right to vote/ technologies/ medicine/ a better?
life/person of today/more values/great causes/imaginations/a bad thing?
????T4 e-b-a-c-d?
????T5 2 4 6 8 9 10?
Viewing ??
????T2-1 1 2 4?
Short conversation:?C A B A B
Long conversation:A C C B?
Passage 1 A D BB?
Passage 2 estimated /assassinated /was intended to /released from?
/made a contract with /gave way /ensued /survived /victims /perished?
Unit test
????Part1 ?C B A C D?
????Part2 ?CC D A B
????Part3 ?C A D C D?
????Part4 ?beneficial /fought /strengthened /pulled out /part /serve as?
/amazing /stood /sought /civilization?