?????T2 c-d-a-b?
????T3 ?2 3 4 5?
????T4 ?amazing ? changed my life ? mobile phone ? emails ? camera ? taking ?a picture ? fantasy ? cakes ? arts ? creativity?
? T2-1 cheaper ? better ? oil ? sad ? safety ? appetite ? precision ? purple?
? T2-2 Which soft drink, ? want things,how consumers behave, ? above, ?a bigger share, ? small, ? I deserve the best, ? steam, ? cigarette smoke, ? smile, ? a tick symbol, ? positive, ? built-in associations, ? sports equipment?
? T2-1A B C?
Short conversation:?D B C A D?
Long conversation: B C D B
Passage 1 ?B C A D?
Passage 2 ?vary /a large portion of /well-being /profound /accessible?
/ultimately /have a harmful effect on /went against /aviation /is not worth pursuing?
Unit test
????Part1 ?B C A C D
????Part2 ?CC D A D?
????Part3 ?D A B A A?
????Part4 ?biological /firmly / efforts /isolation /objectors /originality /modest /improve the health /morally /legislation